At Crackley Bank Primary School, wellbeing is an important part of our ethos. Making sure all of our children, their families and our staff have support to look after their health is vital to us. If you have any questions, need some advice or just want to talk, please get in touch.
Please find information and advice below to help you further. You will find many links, from cooking to when to keep your child off school, click the buttons and pictures below. You will also find a list of websites and useful telephone numbers at the bottom of the page. If you have found a website particually useful and it isn't listed here, please contact school and we will add it to the page.
Action for Happiness Calendar
Take a look at the monthly happiness calendar. What will you try? Click the picture for a direct link to the Action for Happiness website.
Hello Yellow Day
'Hello Yellow' is organised by Young Minds and their website has a wealth of information to support you at home.
Please do take a look at the following links and remember that we too can direct you to agencies if you need it and we are here to listen too.
RESOURCES about ADHD/ Autism/ trauma and anxiety to name a few.
Useful Websites
General websites for young people and mental health:
Tips for good mental health and wellbeing.
- Child Mental Health & Wellbeing - 10 top tips for parents
- Parents' Mental Health & Wellbeing - 10 Top Tips!!
Further suppport for parents:
- BBC/CBeebies: How to talk to your child about emotions
- Action for Happiness : ACTION IDEAS FOR CHILDREN
- Think you Know - Online safety
- CombinedWellbeing: NHS support for the whole family.
- PAPYRUS: Practising self care in times of uncertainity.
- Campaign Against Living Miserably - Living in calm. Articles relating to happiness.
- Mind: Coronavirus and your wellbeing
- RCPSYCH: COVID-19: Support for patients and carers
- Samaritans: If you're worried about your mental health during the coronavirus pandemic
- Unicef: Health
- Childline: Coronavirus Advice
Further support you may need:
Useful Telephone Numbers
North Staffordshire Combined Healthcare NHS Trust 24/7 Crisis Care Centre 0300 123 0907 (Option 1)
Staffordshire children’s advice and support service on 0300 111 8007
Samaratans Call 116 123
NHS Call 111