Year 4 Curriculum Overview
Spring Term
In English this term we will be looking at biographies and writing a newspaper report. We will also explore poetry and narratives and how we can implement a range of skills within our writing, ensuring our grammar skills are embedded confidently across all our writing.
In Maths this term we will be revising our knowledge of times tables, using formal methods for division, investigating area and fractions. We will also begin to look at decimals.
In Science this term we will be investigating Animals including humans and will be exploring food chains. We will also be exploring Living Things and Their Habitats where we will be classifying and grouping living things by characteristics. We will also look at environments and how these impact upon living things.
In computing this term, we will be using repetition in shapes. We will be using a text-based programming language to explore count-controlled loops when drawing shapes. We will also be Data logging and will be recognising how and why data is collected over time, before using data loggers to carry out an investigation.
In Geography this term we will be looking at locating countries including North and South America. We will look at major cities and we will use a range of medias to research including atlases and internet resources.
In History this term we will be exploring Roman Empire and the impact the Romans had upon Britain. We will be looking at the Roman Army, how they lived and the legacy they left behind.
In PSHE this term we will be considering two specific questions. How do we treat each other with respect? We will consider how to have respect for ourselves and others. How to show courteous behaviour, how to maintain safety and we will explore human rights
In Music this term we will be looking at a range of musical areas which include:
Poetry – Performance
Develop performances of continuing poems. They use their voices to speak expressively and rhythmically, and discover ways to create ostinato accompaniments to enhance their performances.
Environment – Composition
Seasons and the environment provide the stimuli for compositions. The children make descriptive accompaniments and discover how the environment has inspired composers throughout history.
We will also take part in seasonal singing as we approach the festive season in December.
Design and Technology
In D&T this term we will be investigating Electrical Systems - we will create simple circuits and switches (including programming and control)
Art and Design
In Art this term we will be using different techniques within painting. We will start to use light and dark within painting and show understanding of complimentary colours.
We will be confidently controlling types of marks made and experiment with different effects and textures including blocking in colour, washes, thickened paint creating textural effects. We will also start to develop a painting from a drawing and evaluate our finished artwork.
Modern Foreign Languages
This year we are learning Spanish! This term, we will be focusing on greetings, how to ask how someone is and respond as well as numbers 1 to 10. We will be learning all this vocabulary through speaking and listening, songs and rhymes too!
Physical Education
In Physical Education this term we will be playing invasion games which will include tag rugby, hockey, netball and football. We will also play rounders and cricket as strike and field skills.
Religious Education
In RE this term, we will be looking at Commitment – we will consider engagement with a variety of people about their beliefs and values and will ask questions about the way commitment affects their lives.