Blackthorn Place, Chesterton, Newcastle-under-Lyme ST5 7BE 01782 567700

Year 5 Curriculum Overview



Spring Term


During the spring term in English, we will be looking at flashback and suspense stories for fiction writing and newspaper and letters for non-fiction writing. We will be learning about the features of each genre and using our grammar sessions to apply our knowledge in our writing. We will also complete comprehension work on each genre to ensure we understand what they should look like. 


In maths we will be learning about multiplication and division and how they are the inverse of each other. We will be learning about methods which will help us to complete our work and problem solve. We will be learning how to multiply fractions and how to work out fraction of amounts. We will also be learning how to work out decimals and percentages, perimeter and area and statistics. 


Our science unit is materials and their properties and how they can change. We will be completing experiments and what they tell us. Our other unit is living things in their habitats, we will be learning about life cycles and flowers. 


Our computing unit we will explore conditions and selection using a programmable microcontroller. We will also be learning about File Data Bases, Flat-file databases and using a database to order data and create charts to answer questions. 


Our geography unit is the similarities and differences between the UK and Europe. This will include human and physical features. We will be comparing Italy and the UK.  



In history we will be learning about Anglo Saxons and Scots, this will include their everyday life, facts, timelines and artefacts.


Our music unit is our community, we will explore singing and writing lyrics. There is a wide variety of musical moods, styles and genres inspires singing, performing and composing using new techniques and structures. 

Design and Technology

Our Design and Technology unit is structures, we will be learning how to make a frame structure and how to make it strong.  

Art and Design

In art we will be painting mixing and matching colours to create atmosphere and light effects. We will learn how to control the types of marks made and experiment with different effects and textures. We will learn about shades and tones and research the work of an artist or designer and use their work to replicate their style. 

Modern Foreign Languages

This term, we will be focusing asking and giving your age and where you live. We will also be learning all the different colours and numbers 1-20! We will be learning all this vocabulary through speaking and listening, songs and rhymes.

Physical Education

In P.E. we will continue with our swimming lessons, our indoor P.E. sessions include rounders, we will learn the different skills needed to play these games effectively. 


In PSHE our first unit is what makes up a person’s identity which will focus on health, wellbeing, identity, personal attributes and qualities, similarities and differences, individuality and stereotypes. Our second unit is How can we help in an accident or emergency? This learning will focus on basic first aid, accidents and dealing with emergencies. 

Religious Education

Our R.E. unit is Religious Diversity (Happiness)We will explore the diversity of a range of religious traditions and identify and reflect on similarities and differences. Our other R.E. unit is Easter, we will learn about suffering and hardship and investigate and reflect on a range of religious responses to suffering and hardship.