Year 3
Welcome to Year 3’s class page
We are looking forward to another busy year if learning and we have planned lots of exciting lessons and activities for the children. Here you will find out about what Year 3 will be learning this term. This page also includes links to Year 3’s Crucial Knowledge pages. Welcome Year 3, from Miss Johnson.
Below you will find information about what the children need to bring to school every day.
Water bottles: Please make sure that children have a water bottle and that it is named. These need to be washed every night and returned to school the following day re-filled with water. This is very important as we all need to keep hydrated and helps us to keeps focussed and stay on task.
Reading: Reading books need to be in school EVERY day as the children will be reading them each morning. Please continue to support us by reading at home – if you do can you please jot it in their reading diary.
Homework: This will be posted on our school website every Thursday and will be due the following Wednesday. English and Maths homework will be linked to the work the children have been doing in school. Homework also includes spellings, which will be tested the week after they were given out. If the children need any support with their homework, they can ask for help before Wednesday and we will work through it together.
Physical Education: PE will take place every Monday and Friday. The children need to come to school in their PE kits on these days and it can be worn all day (no need for changing). Hair must be tied back and all jewellery must be removed at home. PE kit: plain jogging bottoms (no zips/logos) or shorts and either their team colour t-shirt or plain white. Please ensure that children have trainers / plimsolls as well. As PE sessions may take place outside, jumpers and tracksuits bottoms will also be needed.