Lunch Menu
Our lunches are provided by Chartwells, you can view their menus below.

If you require a lunch for your child, payment needs to be paid in advance of the meal being taken. This needs to be done on ParentPay, choosing the payment option 'dinner money'.
Lunches are priced at £2.89 unless your child is in receipt of free school meals. All children in Reception, Year 1 and Year 2 are eligible for a free school meal.
Your child will choose their lunch each morning, the dates for each week are on the Menus above, but also below - just look for the date this week and you will be able to see which week it is.
Spring 1
Week Beginning: 10.02.25 Week 3
Spring 2
Week Beginning: 24.02.25 Week 2
Week Beginning: 03.03.25 Week 3
Week Beginning: 10.03.25 Week 1
Week Beginning: 17.03.25 Week 2
Week Beginning: 24.03.25 Week 3
Week Beginning: 31.03.25 Week 1
Week Beginning: 07.04.25 Week 2