Blackthorn Place, Chesterton, Newcastle-under-Lyme ST5 7BE 01782 567700

Reception Curriculum Overview



Spring Term  

During the Spring term we will be learning about ‘Terrific Tales’ and thinking about what happens ‘Down on the Farm’ 

Through traditional tales’ children will build vocabulary of past and present events and develop story language.  We will look at a local business and will discover what really makes a brick so strong.   Later in the Spring term children will look at how things grow and will also investigate the life cycles of animals and even hatch their very own chicks. 


Communication and Language

This term we will continue to develop our vocabulary by listening to new stories and revisiting old favourites.  We will share our ideas and develop our questioning so we can find out even more.  We will continue to listen carefully, taking turns in conversation – a very important skill to have. 

Personal Social and Emotional Development

We know that taking turns and developing friendships is a really important part of our development so we will continue to develop our skills in sharing and self-regulation.  We will learn about qualities and differences and continue to think about our own feelings as well as thinking about how others feel too.   

Physical Development

We really enjoyed our gymnastics and dancing in the Autumn term.  This half term we will be learning how to use equipment during our PE lessons.   We will be using a variety of different balls discovering how we can throw and catch and will look at which sports use balls. 


In our English lessons this term we will be looking at Traditional Tales, like The Three Little Pigs, The three Bears and The Gingerbread man.  We will be roleplaying, retelling and being authors ourselves by using the knowledge we have already learned in phonics lessons to write our own stories. 

We will be working on how to write a sentence as we think about the crucial knowledge needed, such as knowing that capital letters begin a sentence.  We use finger spaces in-between words and full stops at the end. 

We will learn new tricky words as well as recapping the tricky words we have learned in the Autumn term.  Did you know that we already know 44 (yes really!)  During the spring term we will learn some new ways of saying the sounds ai, ee, oi, oa, er and oo (and this to name just a few) 


It is so important that we really understand the value of numbers, so during maths lessons we will be recapping the composition of numbers to 5, will compare mass and capacity and will also learn about the numbers 6,7 and 8, 9 and 10.  We will discover more about number bonds and will also discuss addition and subtraction.  To be all round mathematicians we will also learn about time, length, height and shape. 

Understanding the World

In the Spring term we will be looking at stories to see what life was like in the past.  We will also look at what our school looked like in the past.  We will also look at how farm machinery has changed and will observe chicks as they hatch from eggs.  

We will continue to observe the everchanging seasons and will compare the season of Winter to Autumn and hopefully will see signs of Spring developing as we get ready for warmer weather. 

Expressive Arts and Design

We love to act, sing and role play in Reception and this will continue into the Spring term.  We are going to be artists when finding our about primary colours, and discovering new art work.  We will be making our own puppets to match the stories we write and will be making sure we have opportunities to talk about our own pieces of work.  

The adults in school know that our interests form an important part of the curriculum and our learning, so if I have a particular interest at home please let my teachers know!