Blackthorn Place, Chesterton, Newcastle-under-Lyme ST5 7BE 01782 567700


Year 4



Welcome to Year 4! We are all looking forward to our Autumn Term, which is full of new Crucial Knowledge! On this page you will find our termly newsletter and links to our Crucial Knowledge. Please drop me an email if you do need anything. Mrs Curley 😊


Water bottles: Please make sure that children have water bottles and that they are named. These need to be washed every night and returned to school the following day, filled up. 

Reading: Please continue to support us by reading at home with your child for at least 10 minutes a night. We will also be reading with the children in school as regularly as possible so books and diaries should be in school every day.

Homework: This will be sent home each Thursday and will be due the following Wednesday. Our homework focuses on timestables and spellings that the children have been learning in class. If children need any support with their homework, please let me know before Wednesday and we can have a look at it together.

PE: Year 4 P.E. will take place every Tuesday and Friday. Children need to come into school in their kits and stay in them all day. Remember that PE kit is plain jogging bottoms (no zips/logos) and either their team colour shirt or plain white/black. Team coloured shirts are available to buy from school. Please ensure that children have suitable trainers as well. Children must wear their long hair tied back and they will not be able to wear earrings. Plasters will not be accepted.