Year 3 Curriculum Overview
Autumn Term
In English, we will continue to develop our handwriting skills. We will be focussing on punctuation, making sure we use capital letters, full stops, exclamation and question marks accurately. We are going to be writing stories, letters and reports linked to our class texts. We are going to develop our comprehension skills during the term with lots of practise answering a range of question types.
In Maths, we will focus on place value, we will be finding more or less, ordering and comparing numbers. We will be adding and subtracting numbers up to 3 digits. Finally, we will focus on multiplication and division, we will be using arrays, finding equal groups, dividing by 2, 5 and 10. We will be recapping the 2- and 5-times tables and we will be learning the 3-, 4- and 8-times tables.
In our Rocks unit we will be learning about the three types of naturally occurring rocks and how they are made. We will also find out how fossils are created. In our forces and magnets unit, we will find out that a force is a push or a pull. We will move on to find out about magnets including which materials are magnetic and not magnetic.
In computing we will learn about connecting computers. We will learn that digital devices have inputs, processes, and outputs, and how devices can be connected to make networks. We will move on to create Stop-frame animation Capturing and editing digital still images to produce a stop-frame animation that tells a story.
In Geography we will be naming and locating counties and cities in the United Kingdom. We will move on to find out about Europe, naming the countries. We will also locate and compare the smallest and largest countries in Europe.
In History we will be finding out all about Life in the pot banks. We will look at the history of some local potteries including; Wedgwood, Emma Bridgewater and Middleport Pottery. We will find out about a range of jobs in the pot banks and about the conditions in pot banks for people working in the pottery industry.
In PSHE we will be focussing on what it means to be a good friend. We will also discuss strategies we could use to deal with disagreements. We will move on to learn about what makes a community. Belonging to groups, similarities and differences and showing respect for others.
In Music we will be focussing on composition, exploring songs and poems about places. We will be creating accompaniments and sound pictures to reflect sounds in the local environment. We will move on to explore sounds, how sounds are produced and classified. We will use voices, body percussion, instruments and movement to create expressive performances.
Design and Technology
In our Mechanical Systems and Pneumatics unit, we will learn that objects can be moved by pushing them with air. We will be creating a moving monster model, including a pneumatic system to operate the moving parts.
In Art we will be focussing on drawing. We will learn that perspective is to make a drawing appear 3D on a 2D piece of paper. We will be creating textures and patterns with a wide range of drawing implements. We will be developing intricate patterns and marks using a variety of media.
Modern Foreign Languages
This year we are learning Spanish! This term, we will be focusing on greetings, how to ask how someone is and respond as well as numbers 1 to 10. We will be learning all this vocabulary through speaking and listening, songs and rhymes too!
Physical Education:
In PE, we are going to be learning new jumps, balances and movements in Gymnastics and making a routine to music in our Dance sessions.
We will be developing our fundamentals skills in football and netball along with teamwork and tactics playing with others in a game.
In RE we will be exploring living by rules. We will learn about rules for living found in sacred writings and teachings and think about the impact they have on the lives of believers. We will move on to learn about religion in the home, comparing the practice of religion in the home in different religious communities.