Year 2 Curriculum Overview
Autumn Term
Hello and welcome to a new term in Year 2. We are working so hard and I am really looking forward to seeing what the new term brings. We will be taking part in lots of wonderful things this term, as well as working hard.
Take a look at what we will be learning all about this term.
In English this term we will be working hard on consolidating our super phonics skills and reading longer words using our phonics. We will develop our comprehension skills, understanding how to find the answers to questions in the text we are reading. It is time to really work hard on our handwriting and presentation. We will be writing stories and writing recounts of things we have don e and experienced.
In Maths we will be developing our place value, addition and subtraction skills. We will also learn about shapes. In Place value we will be working on recognising numbers and their value and then developing our addition and subtraction skills making sure we are really secure with those fundamental skills using different strategies and techniques. We will then move on to looking at shapes both 2D and 3D and their properties.
Our Autumn Term Science units will concentrate on Living Things and their Habitats in the first half term, moving onto looking at Uses of everyday Materials in the second half of the term. We will have plenty of opportunities to observe and explore through investigations and use our crucial knowledge to prove what we have found out.
We have two fabulous units in Computing this term. The first is all about technology and how we use it in our everyday lives and the impact it has. In the second half of the term, we will be developing our photography skills and learning how to take photos as well as edit them.
Our Geography unit is all about our wonderful world and being able to name and locate the 7 continents of the world as well as the five oceans of the world. This is a very exciting unit and the children love finding the different continents on the map and learning which continent we live in!
In History we will be learning all about our local heritage looking at mining in the Victorian times as a period of time beyond living memory. We have a great source of local history at Apedale which we will use to support our unit.
Our units for PSHE are all about developing friendships and understanding when friendships may not be good too. We will learn about how to be a good friend and what to look for in friends as well as what we can offer as a friend. We will also spend time discussing who we can talk to if we are feeling worried about friendships.
In Music we will develop our understanding of the sounds we hear and exploring these in different musical pieces. We will also begin to look at beat – making and playing a steady beat whilst changing the tempo too. The second half of the autumn term will focus on developing our singing skills, taking part in learning class and school festive songs.
Design and Technology
Our DT unit will focus on mechanisms, in particular looking at moving vehicles. During this term we will be designing and building our very own moving vehicle. We will explore ways of making vehicles move both by observing and investigating – exciting!
In Art we will be learning all about sketching and building on our skills from Year1. We will learn about the artist Giuseppe and will look to recreate a piece of his work once we have built up our shading and sketching skills.
This term we will be taking part in Leap sessions – looking at those basic skills and developing our coordination. For our other PE session, we will be taking part in gymnastics sessions where we will learn to move around the room, balance on the floor and equipment as well as changing heights and directions.
In RE we will be learning about how to care for our wonderful world and finding out about the world we live in. During the second half term we will develop our understanding of the Christian Christmas story and thinking about how everyone involved would have felt.