Year 2 Curriculum Overview
Spring Term
Hello and welcome to a new term in Year 2. We are working so hard and I am really looking forward to seeing what the new term brings. We will be taking part in lots of wonderful things this term, as well as working hard.
Take a look at what we will be learning all about this term.
In English we will be making sure we are practising our fantastic handwriting, as well as learning all about how to write really interesting sentences. We will practise those capital letters and full stops as well as looking at how to use exclamation marks and questions marks. We learn how to write a really exciting story as well as how to write a set of instructions and a letter. In Phonics we will be learning how to choose the correct spelling for a word. We love reading in Year 2 and we will be looking at how to make inferences in our reading comprehension lessons.
In Maths we will continue to develop our place value, addition and subtraction skills, as well as introducing multiplication and division – this will include learning our times tables facts and problem solving. We will also be learning all about statistics, shapes and begin to talk about fractions – very exciting!
Our Spring Term Science units will concentrate on developing our working scientifically skills as well as focussed units on Living Things and food chains and then looking at Plants – which is very exciting watching them grow and change in Spring.
We are going to be looking at some very exciting things in our Computing lessons this term. We will learn about how to collect and display data by using charts and pictograms. We will also learn about algorithms and how to make things work and move – wow!
Our Geography unit this term builds upon our work on continents last term and focuses on the continent of Africa. We will be looking at Kenya and comparing it to our country.
In History we will be learning all about Queen Elizabeth I and Queen Elizabeth II making comparisons between their lives and talking about the significant events and inventions during their time on the throne.
Our units for PSHE will be all about living in the world – jobs and money as well as keeping ourselves healthy. These are great real-life skills that we will be developing.
In Music we will continue to develop our singing skills as well as keeping in time to a beat using musical instruments. We will be exploring sounds and thinking about pitch in music.
Design and Technology
Our DT unit will focus on food this term, looking at how we cut and prepare food as well how to make it a healthy part of our diet.
In Art we will be developing our painting skills looking at the artist Kandinsky and his concentric circles. We will learn all about colour mixing and the way we can use white and black to make colours darker and lighter.
This term we will continue our daily leap sessions, looking at how we use our bodies to move around in a coordinated way.
We will also be developing our throwing and catching ball skills and then moving onto invasion games – attacking and defending.
In RE we will be learning about religious ceremonies and worship. Looking at more than one religion. We will also talk about what it means to belong to a group, including Brownies, Beavers, Football and faith groups.